Ambient Tribe | Master hybrid meetings
Empower your company through great communication. We help companies improve their communication practices to inspire and engage their people, increase productivity and impact their bottom line.
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Master hybrid meetings

Online course


Master Hybrid Meetings brings together the latest research, tools and techniques to help you master hybrid meetings fast.

The practical training combines online videos and a coaching workbook with pragmatic ideas and  actionable checklists, to make a difference to your performance from the first lesson.


  • Why purpose and intention can transform your meeting outcomes
  • How to set your self up for success, manage the tech at your disposal and nail the hybrid logistics
  • Competently manage participants in the room and online
  • Plan an agenda that maximises time and reaches your desired outcome
  • Embed engagement, interaction and collaboration across your meeting
  • Stand out from the crowd and be a pioneer for hybrid meetings within your business.
  • Develop your participation style, so people actually listen – from body language, to vocal ability you’ll be able to engage people both online and in person. 
  • Gain a reputation for hosting meetings that people actually want to come to and where stuff gets done.
  • Say no to meetings that aren’t a good use of your time

Who is it for?

  • Leaders, managers and anyone who wants to improve their performance in hybrid meetings.

How it works

  • Our Master Hybrid Meetings online course is divided in to six modules, with each module then broken down into easy to access sections.