Ambient Tribe | Leadership Communication Workshop
Empower your company through great communication. We help companies improve their communication practices to inspire and engage their people, increase productivity and impact their bottom line.
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Leadership Communication Workshop

Team workshop


Are your SLT communicating like a well-oiled machine, or is unaligned leadership communication causing you grief?


As you scale your business, the ability for leadership to align and effectively communicate is vital, particularly when employees expect more information from leaders than ever before.


Our Leadership Communications Workshop is crafted to equip SLTs with the essential tools and strategies to get on the same page, communicate with clarity and purpose, and actively engage your team in the vision and direction of the business.


In this interactive workshop SLT will learn how to foster open dialogue, build trust, and inspire commitment among team members. You’ll work together to decide strategically how to manage leadership communication, making this practical workshop a must if you want to drive positive change, enhance organisational performance, and cultivate a culture of collaboration and success.


  • Agree on a shared approach to Leadership Communication.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of effective communication in your business.
  • Gain insights into different communication styles and their impact on team dynamics.
  • Learn techniques to communicate with clarity and purpose, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and vision.
  • Learn strategies to actively engage team members in the vision and direction of the business, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment.
  • Enhance listening skills to better understand the perspectives and concerns of team members.
  • Understand the role of non-verbal communication and its impact on leadership effectiveness.
  • Learn to adapt communication approaches based on the needs and preferences of different stakeholders.
  • Develop a personalised communication action plan to implement key learnings effectively in daily leadership interactions.

Who is it for?

  • Business owners and Senior Leadership teams who want to ace internal communication.

How it works

  • Half or full day options
  • In person or online