Ambient Tribe | Present with impact (1:1)
Empower your company through great communication. We help companies improve their communication practices to inspire and engage their people, increase productivity and impact their bottom line.
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Present with impact (1:1)

1:1 coaching


Can you hold the attention of a room? Do people take action after you’ve spoken? Do you inspire change?

Our 1:1 coaching sessions give you the opportunity to develop and master public speaking in a low risk environment (rather than in front of your entire company). 

The sessions are completely tailored to your needs, so we can focus on those areas where you need to upskill, whether it’s improving your gravitas and vocal power, or choosing the words that will resonate with your audience.


We will discuss and explore the outcomes you want to reach in detail, but as an example, these could look like:

  • Create a confident and credible physical presence, whether face-to-face or virtually
  • Unlock the power of your voice so that when you speak, others listen
  • Develop your listening skills
  • Discover new strategies to influence people and change behaviours
  • Expand your physical and vocal presence
  • Perfect your personal brand, status and leadership style

Who is it for?

  • Leaders wanting to up their game when it comes to public speaking

How it works

We recommend booking a series of four two-hour sessions spread out over a number of weeks or months, which allows you time to put your training into practice during your coaching and discuss your progress. We can work flexibly to create a schedule that suits you and your goals.

In-person or virtual?

Coaching can delivered in-person, virtually, or through a blend of both, according to your needs throughout your programme.